Search Results for: pool shock

how to shock a pool

How to Shock a Pool This Swimming Season

Swimming pools provide people with a great way to escape the hot summer sun, and knowing how to shock a pool is one of the most important things pool caretakers or owners can do to keep the water safe for swimmers. It’s also one of the most basic maintenance tasks. The term “shocking a pool”… Read more »

types of pool liners

An Easy Guide to De-Winterizing Your Swimming Pool

In many places, the time to open a swimming pool depends on both the weather outlook and the climate. In many respects, de-winterizing pools is a process similar to winterizing them, which also happens at different times countrywide. Winterizing pools in the northern hemisphere occurs earlier in more northern climates like Minnesota, and later in… Read more »

how to reduce chlorine in a pool

How to Safely Reduce Chlorine in Your Pool

For swimming pool owners, keeping their pools clean and clear is of top priority. However, using too much chlorine can cause skin irritation, red eyes, and even respiratory problems for swimmers. That’s why many pool owners are looking for ways to use less chlorine while maintaining the water’s cleanliness. In this article, we will offer… Read more »

saltwater vs chlorine pools

Choosing Saltwater vs Chlorine for Your Pool or Hot Tub

If a pool or hot tub isn’t properly cared for, it becomes a petri dish in which microbial life will thrive. As a potential breeding ground for disease, water in pools or spas requires chemistry that prevents bacteria and other microbes from taking over. While previously water treatment methods involved boiling or filtering water, a… Read more »

why is my pool green

Pocket Guide: Why is My Pool Green?

If you’re a pool owner, you’ve likely thought the unfortunate but common question: “Why is my pool green?” Regardless of the cause, it’s best to not swim in pool water that has gone green or while it’s undergoing a process to treat the cause of the water’s greenness. To sanitize and balance pool water most… Read more »

when should I open my pool | Time to Open Your Pool

8 Signs It’s Time to Open Your Pool for the Season

“When should I open my pool?” Swimming pool owners and operators often ask themselves this as the days grow ever warmer in the springtime. With this warm weather, trees grow back their leaves and flowers start to bloom. These events often mark the beginning of the swimming season. Weighing the advantages and disadvantages of opening… Read more »

pool winterizing

Pool Winterizing 101: Everything You Should Know

Once summer fades and autumn begins to paint the leaves, it’s time to prep the pool for the colder winter months. Pool winterizing is especially important in climates that feature significant amounts of ice, snow, and subfreezing winter weather. It’s a good time to close a pool once high temperatures dip to below about 65?F…. Read more »